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indoor noise mapping

Noise Risk Assessment (NRA)

Department of Occupational Safety & Health (DOSH) have amend the noise exposure limit and imposed a more practical standard to control the exposure of excessive noise under the regulation of Occupational Safety and health (Noise Exposure) Regulation 2019 and this latest regulation is to replace Factories and Machinery (Noise Exposure) Regulation 1989 since June 2019.

Noise Risk Assessment (NRA) as per DOSH Requirements covers:

  • Area Noise Monitoring / Mapping – To map work area into different noise zones & to identify and confirm the noise sources, level & type of noise created at the selected locations/areas.
  • Personal Noise Monitoring (8 Hours) – To assess personal noise exposure on selected personal working at the following high noise area for 8 hours. One personal noise monitoring at each high noise area.
  • Recommendation to reduce Noise – To recommend management on the appropriate measures to be taken in any event the result recorded exceeded the action level and permissible level.
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